Tap into Mary Ellen’s 20-Year track record of providing winning stock selections to institutional portfolio managers

If you want confidence in your trades each week, get the insights of a pro with direct experience of what really drives the market.

For 20+ years Mary Ellen McGonagle’s market outlook and stock analysis were only available to top portfolio managers. But now she exclusively shares her insights in the MEM Edge Report.

Get a 30-day trial delivered to your inbox every Sunday and Wednesday for only $7 (a $127 value).

Got the Key to Consistent Success?

One of the keys to consistent success in the markets is rock-solid confidence. And the goal for the MEM Edge Report is to provide the kind of professional-grade insights and analysis so that you can make trading decisions based on how the markets really operate.

Here's what's included in each weekly issue

Detailed analysis of the markets

Each Sunday a detailed analysis of the broader markets and charts of each sector, and individual buy and sell candidates each week.

Mid-week report each Wednesday

Critical market updates and stock analysis with actionable stock ideas and insights on broader market trends.

Numbers on recommendations from prior weeks

Updated performance numbers on stocks featured in prior weeks as well as updated recommendations on stocks in a buy zone (ranked in order of conviction).

About Mary Ellen McGonagle

Mary Ellen is known as the “advisor to the advisors” among top portfolio hedge and mutual fund managers. Her reputation was forged on the trading desks of some of the world’s largest investment management firms, including Goldman Sachs, Equitable Life, and William O’Neil + Co.

Mary Ellen McGonagle

Mary Ellen McGonagle

Senior Managing Director of Equities

Mary Ellen is the Senior Managing Director of Equities here at Simpler. Her career began right out of college at the ripe age of 21 as an assistant on the Fixed Income trading desk at Goldman Sachs. Next, she took a position at Equitable Life, a highly regarded large insurance firm on Wall Street. She was promoted to portfolio manager with 8 accounts worth over $2 Billion based on her success. Mary Ellen soon discovered BIG money institutions had access to high-level intelligence that individuals did not have. Mary Ellen left New York City for Los Angeles to take a position with the famed William O’Neil + Co, the founder of Investor’s Business Daily. There, Mary Ellen analyzed hundreds of data points on thousands of stocks to determine which were poised to outperform. After 20 years as the “advisor to the advisors” for top portfolio hedge and mutual fund managers, Mary Ellen now delivers her latest insights and analysis inside the MEM Edge Report.

What MEM Edge Report Members Say:

“Mary Ellen, I just wanted to drop you a note [about] how valuable your reports are.... They provide an education in how to pick stocks. Thank you!”

- Ford B

Now’s your chance to trade and invest with professional-grade insight and analysis from the MEM Edge Report.

Imagine having confidence in your trading decisions each week because you know which stocks have the potential to be big winners and what’s really driving the market.

Act now and start your 30-day trial for $7.

Thereafter, your MEM Edge Report subscription is only $127 per month.

That’s $3.23 per day to get Mary Ellen’s market outlook as well as current buy and sell (short) candidates. You can stay as long as you wish and cancel at any time.

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Only $3.23 per day to get Mary Ellen’s market outlook as well as current buy and sell (short) candidates. You can stay as long as you wish and cancel at any time.

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